- Magazine Launch june 28
- Deichtorhallen/Sammlung Falckenberg Hamburg
- Palais de Tokyo, Paris
- Paintings 2023
- Flaming Ears restored!
- paintings 2022
- "Private" Parts!?
- Soft Machine at Phileas Vienna
- Biennale Arte Venezia 2022
- Tranny's Pleasures
- Currencies of De*Capital Delirium
- KUB Bregenz
- KUB Katalog
- Trend
- Book
- 15th Biennale of Lyon
- New Works 2019
- Exhibitions 2019
- Exhibitions 2018
- Fiac 2018
- new works 2018
- Tina+me
- documenta 14
- investor's marble fever
- libidinal economy's special effects
- neoliberal musings
- rogue economics
- numbered
- fluid membership
- fiscal stimulus faltering
- Hans
- dropping 2.5% to $ 116.61 Reproduction
- h_ dandy body_parts
- monograph
- die raffinerie
- painting's profit
- mofa
- financial drooling
- öl gold eier/oil gold balls
- libidinal economy 2010
- transgenics TM
- reproductive derangement
- more installations
- boy series
- milk: brown, green
- monochromes
- self/portraits
- large storyboard
- kino
- still lives
- drawings
- mutants
- empty cinema
- films: filmography
- dandy dust
- 1/2 frogs
- summer of 1995
- flaming ears
- the abbotess
- early films
- performance
- music
- fotography
- exhibitions
- filmscreenings
- press
- bio
- bibliography
- links
- contact