London 1998    94min   16mm  

cyberdykes in the bladder of 3075

Amanda J Roberts as Hiller

Hans Scheirl as Dust

Suzie Krueger, Tre Temperilli, Leonora Rogers-Wright

landscape on the planet of 3075

Svar Simpson as Spidercuntboy





Hans Scheirl, Suzie Krueger, Tre Temperilli

aka Trash, Leonora Rogers-Wright, Svar Simpson,

Angela de Castro, Del laGrace Volcano, Sarah Schulman,

Sue Golding aka Johnny de Philo, Tina Keane and many others


cinematography + digital animation: Jana Cipriani

production + costume design: Amory Peart

miniature + F/X cinematography: Nigel Reed

video camera + lighting: Stephen Smart

additional hi-8 camera: Tina Keane

1st assistent director: Amanda J. Roberts

production manager: Lulu Belliveau

sound design: Jewels/Jason Barker

music: Yossarian, Emma EJ Doubell, Bent


written, produced, edited + directed by Hans Scheirl


funded by the Federal Ministry of Art and Education of Austria, the Arts Council of England,

the Cultural Department of the Federal Government of Salzburg, the City of Vienna and Sigrun Scheirl.





Leonora Rogers-Wright and Carole Fuller as the twins Mao and Lisa

Hans Scheirl as X-Sir Sidore






links relating to Dandy Dust (for texts in printmedia see under "bibliography"):



Claudia Reiche   “Transmediale Netze"



Alice Kuzniar „The Queer German Cinema“,M1




Doro Wiese in Gewalt und Geschlecht: Konstruktionen, Positionen, Praxen  von Frauke Koher und Katharina Pühl


Stefan Grissemann



Hans presentation of works in San Sebastian (paintings, films, Dandy Dust



Hans Scheirl „Cyborg Manifesto“  in: Dr.Sue Golding „The Eight Technologies of Otherness“


Nina Stuhldreher


Barbara Pichler/ Telepolis









on the set




Amanda J Roberts (left),

Jana Cipriani (front),

Tina Keane (right),

Andrew Smith (back)

Hans and Amory

clockwise from left: Michelle Butcher, Suzie Krueger, Neil Dow, Sue Golding aka Johnny de Philo, Carole Murcia, Charlotte Schepke, Amory Peart, Stephan Smart, Joaquin Fernandez, Jana Cipriani, Hans Scheirl